Web API Performance Metrics

June 25, 2016 by Igor Lozhkin
Arnica Web API platform tool (WebScript) includes built-in analytics of API use statistics and run-time performance. 

As an API development platform, Arnica WebScript allows developers to use various programming languages to create APIs (C#, VB.NET, PHP, etc.). Regardless of a programming language used, WebScript publishes API activity statistics into activity repository provided by Arnica UnifiedLogon.  

Developers don't have to add any code to enable web API activity statistics acquisition, besides enabling Activity Logging at design time:


Subsequent activity analysis may be performed using Arnica UnfiiedLogon activity report using filters and features on the activity report page:


Using Arnica WebReport against activity history, web API statistics may be presented via interactive charts, displaying the number of requests per day: 


The same chart may be used to zoom in into specific day and view/analyze web API requests statistics by the hour:


Or, alternatively, web API request responsiveness statistics may be analysed for a certain date/time interval:
